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July 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I trust you and your family are well. I am writing to you this week with several updates and some arrangements as we move towards the end of the school year.

The year 13 prom took place on Friday 1st July at the end of the same day as Year 6 students were in for their Year 7 induction day illustrating the full journey that our students take whilst at Stepney All Saints. Both were lovely occasions and remind us of how great a community this is. In the coming weeks we will host a Stepney schools’ music concert with performances from local primaries as well as our own students. In addition, Year 8 students will be travelling to Spain for the week and Year 11s will celebrate their prom. We also have further transition events, Sports Day, Activities Day, and a Chess Championship with our best player taking on the Stepney Green School challenger. Thank you to all parents for supporting your child’s participation in these events and I am sure you will also join me in thanking those staff who have given so generously of their time to make things happen.

Uniform and attendance

With a few weeks left of the summer term we are reminding students of our core standards of 100% attendance, being dressed in full uniform, and being equipped for learning. It is important that we finish the year as we started it and maintain our excellent standards. Parental support with maintaining high standards of uniform is appreciated.

We ask any parents planning on purchasing new uniform for their child for September to place orders via ParentPay over the coming weeks, to ensure that items are distributed before the end of the school term.

Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it is essential. Going to school is directly linked to improved exam performance, the development of social skills, cultural awareness, and other life skills which in turn lead to further learning opportunities and improved prospects.

In the remaining weeks of term 100% attendance is essential. Learning continues at a pace and work is set for students for the summer break to ensure a successful transition into the new academic year.

Exchange Programme – Sicily

A group of Year 10 students will be visiting our partner school in Catania in Sicily next week as part of a project funded by the British Council. Students will work together on skills of analysis, collecting primary and secondary data, making sketches and geographical decisions with a focus on the impact that Mount Etna has on the surrounding area. Living next to volcano is very different to our experience in Stepney and the opportunity to work with our partner students will help develop a deeper understanding of key areas of geography and develop friendships. We look forward to hearing about the trip and further initiatives planned for next year. 

Fun Fair – Wednesday 13th July

We will be welcoming a fun fair on to the school premises on Wednesday 13th July. Each year group will be given an hour to enjoy the rides with their teachers. Please note that all rides will be free and supervised by staff. We hope that this will help to celebrate the end of the year. In addition, on Thursday 14th July we will welcome Year 5 and 6 students from our neighbouring primary schools to the fair.

Shakespeare Festival

On Thursday 14th July, Year 7 students will be performing a short version of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies and tragedies. This is part of their end of year drama performance assessment. Parents/carers of Year 7 students are invited to our Shakespeare festival, and are asked to complete to following form to reserve their ticket –

Key Dates for this term

Below are key dates for the remainder of the term.

Monday 11th July                                   Eid Al-Adha closure

Wednesday 13th July                             Year 10 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 14th July                                 Year 10 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 21st July                                 Sports Day (Full details will be shared in advance of the day)

Friday 22nd July                                     Final day of the summer term

Thursday 18th August                            KS5 results day

Thursday 25th August                            GCSE results day

Please note that the parents’ evenings take place online and that appointments will be available for parents over two evenings. Full details are sent out in advance of each event.

Eid Al-Adha

Our school closure for Eid Al-Adha will take place on Monday 11th July. I would like to wish all those celebrating happiness, good health and peace on this auspicious occasion. Eid Al Adha Mubarak!

End of Term Arrangements

This school year will end on Friday 22nd July 2022. Students will follow their normal lessons for periods one and two, and from 11.15am until 11.30am there will be a staggered dismissal. Full details regarding the start of the new academic year will be sent out before the end of term.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods
