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UCAS Applications and Higher Education

UCAS stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It is the British admission service for all students applying to university. At Stepney All Saints Sixth Form we expect all Year 13 students to apply to university. Every year the vast majority of our students are successful in gaining places at their chosen universities, and over 90% choose to progress to university. The remainder go on to study at a wide range of high-level apprenticeships, including prestigious schemes such as those run by the UK Civil Service, KPMG, or Ernst and Young.

We have two dedicated UCAS Coordinators to support students applying to university, from the beginning of Year 12. Their role is to facilitate the UCAS application process and offer personalised guidance and support.

Yvanan and Tamanna, UCAS Coordinator,  are available to offer students bespoke advice and guidance on higher education by supporting students through the UCAS process. They provide personalised guidance on writing personal statements, including proofreading and feedback.

Students, parents, teachers and employers wishing to access information about the UCAS process and for information on higher education should contact either Miss Yvanan or Miss Tamanna.

All students are encouraged at the very start of year 12 to get involved in our in-house programmes such as the SASS Champions and Futures that aim to widen knowledge and cultural capital in their chosen subjects and the world of work. At the start of Year 12, our highest-achieving students from Key Stage 4 are invited to join the Elephant Group, which focuses on supporting top achievers to get to the best universities. This provides students with extracurricular activities, mentoring, lectures, webinars, summer schools and work experience placements. As Year 12 progresses we support students to apply to summer schools and open days at a range of leading universities, including Oxbridge, Imperial and UCL. In the summer term, all students attend the university and apprenticeship fair and visit Queen Mary’s university to get an insight into the university process. Students are also supported to make informed choices by using the Unifrog platform alongside a plethora of UCAS resource booklets provided by the UCAS Coordinators.

Once Year 13 begins, students continue to receive expert advice from their UCAS Coordinators, tutors and the Head of Year 13, who provide individual guidance and feedback on course choices, student finance, personal statements and any other queries. Bespoke support is put in place for students who need to meet the early Oxbridge, Medicine and Dentistry deadline. This includes preparation for admission test such as BMAT and LNAT. These students also receive 1-2-1 guidance not only from their UCAS Coordinators, but also from their tutor, the Head of Year, and outside professionals. In addition to this, we have a close link with Queen Mary’s University Medical School who provide guaranteed interviews for a number of our students. Students also have the privilege of engaging with former Russell group and Oxbridge Alumni who provide them with guidance, advice and mentoring.


UCAS Applications

UCAS stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, it is the British admission service for all students applying to university and college.

At Stepney All Saints all Year 13 students are encouraged to apply to university and we start the decision making process in Year 12.

This may involve specialist university courses, lecture evenings, open days and summer schools. In Year 13 we use outside speakers from London universities who talk to students about writing a personal statement and student finance and ‘in-house’ we also have a team of academic tutors who are always available to help students compile their personal statements. UCAS plays an integral role in our ‘Whole School Tutorial Programme’ where form tutors give advice and guidance on every aspect of your UCAS form. The Head of Year 13, the teacher who oversees every aspect of the UCAS process, also runs after school extension classes where they can check students’ forms, give advice and guidance on course choices, student finance, personal statements and any other query. We also work closely with Connexions and have a careers adviser who visits the Sixth Form on a weekly basis to offer careers advice to all Sixth Form students. We have been very successful at guiding and advising students in their next step allowing them to continue their education at a wide range of universities including Oxbridge and The Russell Group Universities.

UCAS Deadline Dates

Section Deadline Date
Personal Details July
Student Finance July
Choices October
Education September
Statement October
Pay/ Send October

Please note: The deadline for students applying to Oxford, Cambridge, medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine is 15th October.

UCAS Timeline

Key Dates & Deadlines

April 2024
  • Students complete UCAS aspiration survey, which allows the school to determine pathways they are interested in and provide bespoke support.
  • Students introduced to the UCAS process during PSHE sessions.
  • Student handbook is distributed which outlines the UCAS process and provides guidance on writing personal statements.
  • Google classrooms and Assemblies are put in place to communicate expectations to students and inform students of options. These include;
    – University choices
    – Apprenticeships
    – Degree apprenticeships
May 2024
  • Using Unifrog, students begin exploring courses and potential careers.
  • All students start first draft of their personal statement.
  • Webinars are made available for students to engage in.
June 2024
  • Students begin an online UCAS application form.
  • Students receive feedback from tutors and continue working on their personal statement.
  • Registration for UCAT for students considering medical courses.
  • Students begin to book summer schools and work experience placements.
  • Attend university and apprenticeships fair.
  • Attend Queen Mary’s campus tour, which focuses on the UCAS process.
July 2024
  • Students present their official first draft to UCAS Coordinators and receive feedback, which they work on over the summer.
  • All remaining sections of the online application should be complete (excluding both choices and personal statement.)

Medical/Law applicants

  • Book UCAT and LNAT test (Deadline September 2025).
  • Students revise for admissions test over the summer including those sitting the LNAT or UCAT.
August 2024
  • Registration opens for LNAT for those considering studying Law.
  • Complete super curricular tasks/ summer school/ work placements
September 2024 Oxbridge and Medical applicants

  • Applications for the pathways listed below need to be submitted (to the school) by Friday 20th September 2024:
  • Students applying to the University Oxford or Cambridge (Oxbridge)
  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary Science

 Law applicants

  • Book and sit LNAT test from September onwards.

All other applicants

  • To work on final draft of their personal statement and finalise course choices.
October 2024 Oxbridge and Medical applicants

  • Oxbridge and Medical applications are checked and submitted to UCAS by Wednesday 16th October 2024.
  • Cambridge applicants to attend interview preparation day. This will be held at the university campus or in school virtually. This is scheduled to take place in October/ November/ December.
  • Oxford applicants to attend interview preparation day. This will be held at the university campus or in school virtually. This is scheduled to take place in October/ November/ December.
November 2024 Oxbridge and Medical applicants

  • Medicine applicants to sit BMAT.
  • Oxford and Cambridge entrance exams due to take place.
  • Oxbridge mock interviews to take place.

All other applicants

  • Applications submitted to UCAS by the school following checks.
December 2024 Oxbridge and Medical applicants

  • Medicine mock interviews to take place.
  • Oxbridge interview to commence.
  • Medicine interviews begin and continue to Spring 2022.

All other applicants

  • Applications submitted to the school by Friday 13th December 2025
January 2025
  • Applications submitted to UCAS by Wednesday 29th January 2025
  • From January onwards, students will begin attending meetings with their tutors to discuss offers received from university.
  • Students begin to receive offers from university but do not confirm their choices until all offers are received. 
June 2025
  • Student to confirm their insurance and firm choices.
August 2025 Results Day!


UCAS Tariff and Point Scores

UCAS Qualification Point Scores

Grade Size Points Grade Size Points Grade Size Points
A 1 270 A 0.5 135 AA 2 540
B 1 240 B 0.5 120 AB 2 510
C 1 210 C 0.5 105 BB 2 480
D 1 180 D 0.5 90 BC 2 450
E 1 150 E 0.5 75 CC 2 420
CD 2 390
DD 2 360
DE 2 330
EE 2 300
BTECNational Award BTECNational Certificate BTECNational Diploma
D 1 270 DD 2 540 DDD 3 810
M 1 225 DM 2 480 DDM 3 757.5
P 1 165 MM 2 420 DMM 3 705
MP 2 360 MMM 3 652.5
PP 2 300 MMP 3 600
MPP 3 547.5
PPP 3 495

All grades carry points for University

UCAS Tariffs Table

Grade       Tariff Points
GCE & AVCE Double Award A Level with additional AS (9 units) GCE A Level and AVCE GCE AS Double Award GCE AS & AS VCE
A*A* 280
A*A 260
AA 240
AB 220
BB A*A 200
BC AA 180
AB 170
CC 160
BB 150
CD BC A* 140
DD CC A AA 120
CD AB 110
DE B BB 100
DD BC 90
  CD 70
  EE D DD A 60
  DE B 50
  E EE C 40
  D 30
  E 20


UCAS Resources and Useful Links

UCAS Support

General Support

  • UCAS Booklet
  • Super Curricular Booklet
  • Personal Statement Booklet
  • Choosing Between Offers Booklet
  • Degree Booklets
  • Student Profile
  • Inspiration Week/Month: Panel speakers share their career/education journeys
  • Trips: University open days and specific visits based on student interests.
  • Workshops: Focus on student finance, budgeting, and preparation for university.
  • UCAT & LNAT Support, led by UCAS Coordinators

Medicine/Dentistry Support

  • UCAT Support- led by UCAS Coordinators
  • Mock interviews – led by UCAS Coordinators
  • K+ Programme
  • UCL Target Medicine
  • Sutton Trust Medicine Pathway
  • NHS Cadet Programme (26weeks) with St. Johns Ambulance 
  • Bridge the Gap Programme- Mock interview practice via QMUL
  • Medicine reading list (St George’s University of London)
  • Springpod virtual work experience
  • In2Med in associated with Woosehill GP surgery
  • Medicine champions pathway trips – UCL and University of Southampton
  • Student-Assisted Medical and Dental Applications (SAMDA) – Introduction to Medicine and Dentistry hosted in school
  • SAMDA Taster Day hosted at Queen Mary University
  • Aspiring Medics – Online Courses
  • Applying to Cambridge Webinars: Interviews & Assessments (Pembroke College)
  • Personal Statement Writing Webinar (MyUCAT)
  • Medic Mind Medicine course (UCAT/BMAT tutorials, personal statement guidance, interview prep)
  • Scrubbed Up Virtual Medicine Open Day

Oxbridge Support

  • SLT mentoring scheme
  • Support with Oxbridge admissions tests- UCAT (Medicine), LNAT (Law), MAT (Maths), TMUA (Maths/Economics/Computer Science)
  • SASS Champions Pathway
  • Summer schools
  • Mentoring with the application process
  • Support with subject-specific Supercurricular
  • Mock interviews – led by UCAS Coordinators