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The home visit by staff members is an opportunity to promote a positive relationship between school staff and families, it should also prioritise student well-being.

The rationale for home visits is the welfare of the child. Concerns could relate to non-attendance, unable to make contact with parents or possible safeguarding issues.

By following the guidance below the school will ensure all home visits are conducted safely and professionally.

Guidance for home visits

Staff making home visits should always have their school ID badge. They will introduce themselves at the door and explain the reason for the home visit.

During the visit staff will:

  • explain the reason for making a home visit.
  • show respect for parents/carers on the home visit.
  • remember they are guests who could be invited into the family’s home.
  • will limited contact to door/hallway or possibly the family living room. Members of staff should not enter bedrooms.
  • be aware of other adults in the family home, they should do not discuss issues with other adults, all conversations should be with parents/carers.
  • will not make judgemental comments, in addition they will respect cultural and religious practices, and maintain a positive approach.
  • will politely decline social gestures or hospitality from families including offers of food and drink.
  • will understand and respect that the family can ask them to leave at any time, this request must be followed.
  • will contact the police and the designated safeguarding lead, head teacher and deputy headteacher if there is an emergency, and will complete a report detailing the concern that resulted in emergency action.

Following a home visit

  • Staff will record on school systems that a visit has been conducted.
  • All home visits will be classed as confidential contact with families, and reference to a home visit will be avoided when communicating with students in school. 

If a staff member has any safeguarding concerns during/following a home visit these will be shared with a member of the safeguarding team immediately on their return to school.


The home visit by staff members is an opportunity to promote a positive relationship between school staff and families, it should also prioritise student well-being.

The rationale for home visits is the welfare of the child. Concerns could relate to non-attendance, unable to make contact with parents or possible safeguarding issues.

By following the guidance below the school will ensure all home visits are conducted safely and professionally.

Guidance for home visits

Staff making home visits should always have their school ID badge. They will introduce themselves at the door and explain the reason for the home visit.

During the visit staff will:

Following a home visit

If a staff member has any safeguarding concerns during/following a home visit these will be shared with a member of the safeguarding team immediately on their return to school.