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13th December 2023

Dear families,

We now find ourselves in the season of Advent and moving closer to the Christmas period. This is a time for bringing hope, change and fulfilment into the Advent of our lives. As we prepare for the end of term and for the New Year, I am writing to you with several important updates.

Charity Events – December 2023

A number of charity events are taking place this month. We are supporting our local food bank with donations of non-perishable foods only. Items should be taken to the tutor rooms during morning registration and all donations will be gratefully received.

Staff Update

We say goodbye and thank you to the following staff who will be leaving us at the end of term. I would like to thank them all for their hard work and dedication during their time with us. The staff are:

On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to thank them for their contribution to school life and wish each of them continued happiness and success.

Key Dates and Events

This is also a busy time with a number of key dates in diary for the coming weeks as follows:

The full set of term dates for the academic year are available on our website,

End of Autumn Term Arrangements 

School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 22nd December. Arrangements for the 22nd are as follows:

Periods 1 + 2:     Normal lessons

11.00am:              Students return to their form room for tutorial time

11.15am:              From 11.15am onwards the students will be dismissed by their Head of Year

It is anticipated that all students will have left the school premises by 11.45am. Full uniform must be worn as normal.

Students eligible for free school meals can order a packed lunch form their form tutor by Friday 15th December. These will be distributed to students during form time at 11.00am on Friday 22nd December.

All students will return to school on Monday 8th January 2024.

I look forward to seeing all students back refreshed in school in January ready for the term ahead. I hope that you have a very peaceful and restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods, Headteacher