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Monday 3rd July 2023

Dear families,

I trust you and your family are well. I am writing to you this week with several updates and some arrangements as we move towards the end of the school year.

During the coming week in addition to a coffee morning for new parents, a chess competition against Stepney Green and a Media Studies trip we will be holding our Culture Day, induction for the new Year 7 and Year 12 plus Year 8 students will be departing on the annual trip to Spain. These are just some examples of the many activities taking place during this half term, and they remind us of how vibrant our school community is. In the final weeks of term, we will host a Stepney schools’ music concert with performances from local primaries as well as our own students. Year 11s and Year 13s will celebrate their proms and we also have Sports and Activities Days. Thank you to all families for supporting your children’s participation in these events and I am sure you will also join me in thanking those staff who have given so generously of their time to make these many things happen.

School Day

I wrote to families in January regarding our drive to maintain and improve our outstanding curriculum. I explained that following a review a number of key areas were identified. Among these were the following:

From September we will put the following in place:

To fulfil these recommendations and ensure our students continue to study a rigorous curriculum the length of the school day will be different from September. Whilst we will ensure continuity for families in the morning by maintaining a start time of 08.40, the school finish time will change.

Therefore, from September 2023:

The full timings for the day can be found on the school website HERE.

Uniform Purchase and Donations

As we approach the end of the school year, we would like to ask for contributions of any branded uniform items that your child may have outgrown or which are no longer required. If your uniform items are in a good, re-wearable condition, please ask your child to bring these in to school and leave them in the donation box in the admin office.

Likewise, if you would like to purchase any second hand uniform, please email with your child’s measurement, and we will check if we have any items in your size available.

We would also ask those parents intending to purchase new uniform items for the September start to place your orders before the end of July so that your orders can be distributed to students prior to the summer break and ready for September.

Uniform and attendance

With a few weeks left of the summer term we are reminding students of our core standards of 100% attendance, being dressed in full uniform, and being equipped for learning. It is important that we finish the year as we started it and maintain our excellent standards. Parental support with maintaining high standards of uniform is appreciated.

Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it is essential. Going to school is directly linked to improved exam performance, the development of social skills, cultural awareness, and other life skills which in turn lead to further learning opportunities and improved prospects.

In the remaining weeks of term 100% attendance is essential. Learning continues at a pace and work is set for students for the summer break to ensure a successful transition into the new academic year.

End of Term Arrangements

This school year will end on Wednesday 26th July 2023. Students will follow their normal lessons for periods one and two, and from 11.15am until 11.30am there will be a staggered dismissal. Full details regarding the start of the new academic year will be sent out before the end of term.

Strike Action

The NEU teacher’s union has agreed two further days of strike action this term, Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. Further information regarding the arrangements for these days was shared with parents last week.

Key Events for this term

The calendar on our website is regularly updated and contains dates of activities and events that are taking place in school. Key dates for the coming weeks are listed below.

To remain up to date on all school news, click HERE . You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @StepneyAS for a wealth of content from students and staff.

Please note that the parents’ evenings listed above will be taking place online and that appointments will be available for parents over two evenings. Full details are sent out in advance of each event.

Thank you as always for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods, Headteacher