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23rd May 2024

Dear families,

As the half term break approaches we find ourselves in one of the key periods of the secondary school calendar as Year 11 and 13 students take their examinations and the work with all other years continues at pace. I write to you today with updates about reading, uniform and enrichment.


Reading is at the heart of our work at Stepney All Saints and it is a fundamental skill on which success across all subject disciplines is built. By developing the reading of our students, both for purpose and pleasure, we can give them the very best chance to succeed, both at school and beyond.

Our priorities for reading are as follows:

  1. reading for pleasure
  2. high quality literacy intervention

In order to support students and to promote a reading culture, the following strategies are in place:

We want to celebrate the achievements of our students in their reading and a range of rewards are in place. For example, badges are issued to students reaching word count milestones and there is the Headteacher’s Reading Award which is given for outstanding practice and regular effort. We also have the SASS Literacy Champions: students completing an average of 80% on quizzes and a minimum of 20 minutes engaged reading time per day and who will be rewarded with a theme park trip.

Reading is the gateway to learning and is key to academic achievement and well-being. Full details about the reading strategy at SASS can be found on the school website HERE as well as how families can provide support.


We expect our students to uphold high standards in the wearing of uniform. There is no room for personal interpretation as the list of acceptable items is clear, however I would like to highlight the following points:

Students who come to school dressed incorrectly may, if there is no adequate reason, be sent home to change or parents contacted to bring in the correct items. Sixth form students must also comply to the uniform policy. A reminder of the full uniform list for all years can be found on the school website HERE

Extra-Curricular Activities and School Trips

The summer term is traditionally a busy time for enrichment activities. In the last month we have had groups of students at the Argoed Lwyd Outdoor Education Centre in the stunning hills of the Brecon Beacons National Park and a visit to northern Spain. In the coming term Year 12 students will visit India, a range of sports competitions will take place and much more. All of this will be in addition to our regular clubs and activities.

I would like to reiterate that participation in enrichment activities is a key aspect of the development of our students and that all those in Key Stage 3 are expected to take part in at least one enrichment activity each week. The skills and knowledge gained are considerable and we want all of our students to benefit.

Talking About Online Safety

Sadly, many young people believe that online harassment and abuse are just a part of being online, in other words – normalised. This should never be the case, but it can be difficult to strike up a conversation. Conversations with children are essential to check on their online well-being. Internet Matters have a really good guide for parents which they can use for conversation starters and I would encourage you to take a look at their resources. You can download the guide HERE.

Key Events for this term

The calendar on our website is regularly updated and contains dates of activities and events that are taking place in school. Key dates for the coming weeks are listed below.

To remain up to date on all school news, click HERE . You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @StepneyAS for a wealth of content from students and staff.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Please do get in touch if there is any aspect of our provision that you would like to discuss.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods, Headteacher